
Here are some of the things my clients are saying. It’s been an honor to work with every one of them!

“Working with Allison over the last six months has been an amazing,  remarkable and wonderful eye-opening experience!!   I started working with Allison for weight loss and nutritional guidance but through our sessions I was able to finally figure out the ‘root cause’ behind my weight loss/regain cycle. And WOW–did things start changing and making sense then!! Allison sees the big picture and based on her astute recommendations to me on small diet changes I felt I had much more control than I ever had in my past. Before I met Allison I simply felt LOST and offtrack no matter how hard I tried. I was successful – but never for long. She has  helped me on a beautiful self-discovery journey that not only addressed the initial issue I went to her for but  also to address so many other aspects of my life that I really didn’t  know were underlying problems and contributed to the bigger issues! She is a wonderful listener and contemplative in responses and advice. With her guidance my self-esteem, confidence and resilience have grown exponentially!  I now a strong foundation that I can use for the rest of my life.  I have met my goal weight and this time (and going forward) I know I can/will maintain it – gone are the feelings of ‘sinking in quicksand’ when I gained a few pounds and felt that I have no control on getting back on track.  Now I feel GREAT both inside and out. Thanks for helping me find my balance Allison – YOU ARE THE BEST!!!”

–Lynne P., Boston, MA

“Where to begin with this woman?! Allison Nichols has been nothing short of a miracle for me over these past 6 months. Yes, Allison knows the facts about nutrition, and yes, she’s got some tasty, easy, healthy recipes on her adorable blog. But I think the best part of working with her is that she “gets” the process and psychology behind the journey towards a healthier lifestyle. So often the challenges of making changes in eating run far deeper than simple diet adjustments and sheer willpower (otherwise, I don’t suppose anyone would ever need to diet!). Allison openly and non-judgmentally explores these deeper areas and clearly has enough insight and life experiences to help her clients sort through the barriers that often come between us and our goals. I always felt heard and found Allison to be extremely relate-able.

On top of her abilities to look at deeper issues, I also made several specific changes with eating as a result of Allison’s suggestions. These changes have included increasing my protein intake to maintain afternoon energy levels, including more (tasty!) vegetables in my meals, and cooking more recipes at home. At no point did I feel overly pressured to follow a rigid eating schedule, count calories, or do one of those ridiculous “cleansing” that leave you hungry and cranky. Instead, I completed my 6-month program with her feeling like I made lifelong, manageable changes. Better yet, I feel good about how I look and have developed a new appreciation and respect for my body and its capabilities. Thank you Allison!!”
–Heather F., Chicago, IL

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